What trekking offers in Georgia with our company?
We organize mountain hiking and trekking in many regions of Georgia - Tusheti, Khevsureti, Svaneti and others. We provide multi-day tourist crossings with all necessary equipment. We have experienced guides available to all groups.
In areas where all the infrastructure is lacking, the group is accompanied by a chef who takes care of the meals. the luggage is transported by hired horses led by local herders. They carry not only your personal belongings, but also dining , tents and the entire kitchen. You only need good clothes and shoes, we will take care of the rest ourselves. This is the way we organize tourist crossings in the outlying regions of Tusheti and Khevsureti in eastern Georgia.
Where conditions allow, of course we live in guesthouses and locals, then the adventure is even higher by the great food of native women and the authenticity of the environment of old stone mountain villages.
Enjoy trekking with us in the heart of beautiful Georgian nature, as you will not experience it anywhere else. Relax, admire and love the beautiful nature of the Caucasus with beautiful views of the four and five thousand metres high giants with glaciers falling into the valley. Leave all worries with organization, transport and catering to us.
How is the Treking in the Caucasus different from other
The main difference is in the historical settlement of the Caucasus by the old nations. The beauty of wildlife is thus enhanced by the population, which still lives here in very primitive conditions. At the same time, they are very nice, hospitable and sociable people, which you will undoubtedly have the opportunity to see on your treking. You will remember the evenings spent with a bottle of local Chacha while you sing folk songs.
Treking in Svaneti leads under the main ridge of the Caucasus, the individual valleys are connected by narrow trails through mountain ridges. These are mostly grassy, overgrown shrubs of rhododendrons, which bloom beautifully in early summer. The biggest attractions for tourists in Svaneti are stone towers. There are in each village and each family owned at least one. They served to protect the population from invaders even during wars between individual clans.
Another great attraction are the views of the highest peaks of the Caucasus and Georgia, which can be found in the village of Ushguli, the highest permanently inhabited village in Europe, which lies below the southern wall of Shkhara (5190 m) - the highest peak of Georgia.
The magic of treking in the Eastern areas of Georgia
Treking in Tusheti and Khevsureti lacks a bit of monumentality in the views of the glacier-covered peaks of the Svansk five thousand metres high peaks, but still attracts you with its wildness, outlying valleys and mountain villages, of which over fifty are still inhabited. The villages are beautiful, in the summer it feels alive by shepherds and people who return here for a few months to grow something in small fields that will help them survive the winter in the valleys. Tusheti is also interesting, electricity does not come here, thanks to which it keeps its original historical character.
If you are interested in our trekking trips in the Georgian mountains, just fill out this form without obligation or call us directly and ask for any information that interests you regarding trekking in Georgia.